Democratization of East Europe

Stalinism and Its Impact on Political Culture

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"Under the Leadership of the Great Stalin - Forward to Communism"


Stalinist Model

Centralized control of Communist WorkersÕ Parties in all the satellites

Accomplished through purges, installation of leaders favored by Stalin

Manipulation of party system, elections


Class warfare

Annihilation of Òclass enemiesÓ

     i.e., enemies of the working class

     aristocracy, bourgeoisie, kulaks, non-Marxist intelligentsia



Secret police (in Russia:  NKVD)

Arrest, detention, deportation/exile to gulags





Cult of Personality

ÒOur FatherÓ Òa shining sunÓ Òour teacher and friendÓ

Aura of state power, symbols of patriotism/ideological purity

Marx, Lenin, Soviet-______ Brotherhood

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Ideology expressed through public space and education

Architecture, art


Forced/Rapid Industrialization

5-year plans

Stakhanovite competitions


Collectivization of Agriculture


Atheism, secularism


Links to Browse:


Gulag Museum

Memento Park, Budapest, Hungary

Socialist Realism


Impact of Stalinism on E European Political Cultures






Distrust of Leaders, Political System

Politicians as ÒopportunistsÓ

Cynicism, distrust of public/political institutions

Distrust of anyone outside oneÕs closest circle of family/friends

Dysfunctional work ethic